【ASPPH Friday Letter】李柏翰老師 Sero-Kinship: How Young People Living With HIV/AIDS Survive in Southeast Nigeria

臺大公衛學院為加強宣導本院教師之學術成果,進而提升本院國際能見度,由李柏翰老師之撰寫下列文章投稿至ASPPH Friday Letter.



該文目前已刊登於 ASPPH Friday Letter, August 23, 2024



Sero-Kinship: How Young People Living With HIV/AIDS Survive in Southeast Nigeria



Elochukwu Ernest Uzim, Ijeoma Igwe, 李柏翰(Po-Han Lee) ✉️(本所專任助理教授


JOURNAL  Qualitative Health Research

PUBLISHED  2024.08.07




Research on the lived experiences of HIV survivors, including young people living with HIV, has primarily emphasized broader sociocultural concerns, such as stigmatization and cultural attitudes toward sexuality and gender, while giving less attention to the interconnectedness of these issues with the mental well-being of those affected by the illness. This study, drawing on relational ethnography including observations and interviews at four antiretroviral-administering healthcare facilities in Enugu State, southeast Nigeria, explores how young people living with HIV strive toward viral suppression and how they develop collaborative psychosocial support along with the global efforts in eradicating the HIV epidemic. We found that, in and between themselves, young people living with HIV weave for themselves a network of relationships, though discreetly, to foster and encourage survivorship. Such relatedness, where mutual trust and support have emerged and rebuilt HIV survivors’ faith in a livable life, forms what we conceptualize as “sero-kinship.” That is, sero-kinship, which focuses on how people create and change meanings in their everyday lives that ultimately contribute to controlling HIV and treatment management, forms an essential foundation on which a life with HIV becomes thinkable, bearable, then manageable, and acceptable.