【ASPPH Friday Letter】李柏翰老師Un(ac)countable no-bodies: the politics of ignorance in global health policymakin

臺大公衛學院為加強宣導本院教師之學術成果,進而提升本院國際能見度,由李柏翰老師之撰寫以下列文章投稿至ASPPH Friday Letter.


Un(ac)countable no-bodies: the politics of ignorance in global health policymaking

該文目前已刊登於ASPPH Friday Letter, July 1, 2022




Un(ac)countable No-bodies: The Politics of Ignorance in Global Health Policymaking





By analysing debates between member states of the World Health Organisation (WHO) over health inequities experienced by sexual and gender minorities (SGMs) from 2013 through to 2015 and 2016, this paper interrogates a WHO decision to ‘do nothing’, and the relationship between this decision and the production of ignorance and non-knowledge. This paper problematises state representatives’ discursive practices regarding the lack of evidence on SGM health inequalities, drawing on the sociology of ignorance. Informed by the sociology of nothing, two analytical categories – non-recognition (omissive) and mis-recognition (commissive) of SGM communities – are proposed to critically understand the production of ‘no-bodies’ and the tolerance of the lack of evidence. The lack of evidence, rather than prompting WHO action, was used as a rationale for intentionally neglecting the health concerns of particular social groups due to their invisibility in health research. Therefore, the paper argues that the lack of evidence in itself is symptomatic of the existence of SGM health inequities, which require the WHO to take action such as formally expressing concerns about and endorsing research on the topic.