

Doctoral Degree

A significant proportion (56%) of our doctoral graduates pursue education and academic careers. Alumni work in teaching and research institutions, including universities in Taiwan and other countries, the National Health Research Institutes (NHRI), the Center for Drug Evaluation (CDE), the Joint Commission of Taiwan, the National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine of the Ministry of Health and Welfares, and research departments of major hospitals. Additionally, a considerable proportion (23%) of our doctoral graduates work in healthcare organizations and some alumni (9%) hold leadership positions in health administration departments.


Master's Degree

A significant number of our master's graduates have devoted themselves to government health administration, working across various divisions of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, including the National Health Insurance Administration, the Health Promotion Administration, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and health administration departments. Many of our alumni work in healthcare institutions, research institutions, pharmaceutical companies, clinical trials organizations, medical equipment companies, IT and computer science, and financial or insurance companies. Some alumni join Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and exert substantial social influences by engaging in organizations such as the Medical Reform Foundation, the Taiwan Association for Disability Rights, the Taiwan Society of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, the Federation for the Welfare of the Elderly, and the One-Forty Taiwan Migrant Worker Education and Culture Association.


The latest survey of master's graduates (290 respondents) shows the employment distribution as follows:

●  Health Care Facilities 33%

●  Universities and Research Institutions 18%

●  Companies of Medical Production, Marketing, and Clinic Trial17%

●  Public Health Sectors 15%

●  Others 14%

       IT, Banking & Finance 8%

       Social Media & Communication 2%

     ◆  Others industry 4%


●  Not at work (including those in school or advanced training programs) 3%

●  NGOs 1%