張弘潔: 兒少「表意參與權」之分析:台灣少代在兒促會提案之觀點

作者:張弘潔老師 (第一作者)、吳柏萱(本所校友)廖書荷(本所校友)







我國因應《兒童權利公約》之實施,設置兒少代表制度,以實踐公約之「表意參與權」。本研究透過Laura Lundy「參與模型」評估兒少代表制度中的「提案」過程,分析台灣政府對兒少「表意參與權」之執行現況。研究訪談11位兒少代表在地方兒促會提案的經驗,並分析相關法規與會議紀錄,發現兒少代表提案之議題,受到多重框架之侷限。另外,複雜之書面提案單、提案研究與公文用語,都形成少代在表意參與的障礙,使現行制度停留在「形式」層次的表意參與權,而非實質、有意義的表意參與,其根本問題在於權力結構的不平等。因此本研究認為,台灣的兒少代表制度應強化「表意參與權」的精神,建置友善少代的多元表意環境。基於研究結果,本研究建議:1.強化成人對「表意參與權」之訓練與增能;2.建置友善兒少之多元表意形式;3.確保支持性的環境,提供足夠資訊,使少代提案議題不受限制。


To implement Article 12 on the 'right to participation' of the UNCRC, the Taiwanese government set up a system of youth representatives. In order to analyze how well the government has implemented such representation, this study used the Lundy Model of Child Participation to evaluate the submission of proposals by youth representatives in local children and youth council. We analyzed the perspectives of 11 youth representatives in submitting proposals and looked into legal regulations and minutes of meetings. It was found that the space for youth participation is constrained by multiple structural factors. Furthermore, the complexity of the forms to be completed, the research supporting the proposals and the official tone of the language required all pose obstacles to participation, such that the current system remains at the formal level and allows for no realistic or meaningful participation. The fundamental problem is one of inequality in the structure of power. Hence, the spirit of youth participation should be reinforced and a friendly environment that accepts multiple forms of expression should be constructed. The study suggests (1) strengthening adults' training in the nature of the 'right to participation', (2) allowing friendly and multiple forms of expression for young people, and (3) guaranteeing a supportive system by which the space for youth participation may be opened up.


UNCRC, Right to Participation, Lundy Model of Child Participation, Youth Representative