鍾國彪老師: COVID-19不同階段對台灣醫事人員與家屬生活與心理健康之衝擊初探


Impact of different stages of the COVID-19 pandemic on the life and mental health of medical workers and their family members in Taiwan



葉曉姍(Hsiao-San Yeh) (本所碩士班校友);陳妍瑄(Yen-Hsuan Chen) (本所碩士班校友);林郁婷(Yu-Ting Lin);李紀瑩(Ji-Ying Lee) (本所碩士班同學);鍾國彪 (Kuo-Piao Chung) (本所專任教授)✉️


JOURNAL 台灣公共衛生雜誌 Taiwan Journal of Public Health

PUBLISHED 2024.04.15








Objectives: This study investigated the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lives and mental health of health-care professionals and their families at different stages of the crisis.

Methods: We interviewed 16 health-care professionals and 12 relatives of health-care professionals. Thematic analysis was performed for data analysis.

Results: We identified five main themes for the health-care professionals: "effect of the pandemic on work life," "effect of the pandemic on personal life," "psychological effect during the pandemic," "psychological changes during the pandemic," and "expected support and assistance." Furthermore, we identified four main themes for the relatives of health-care professionals: "effect of the pandemic on family life," "psychological effect during the pandemic," "psychological changes during the pandemic," and "support and assistance received by family members."

Conclusions: The findings revealed the substantial effects of the pandemic on the professional and personal lives of the health-care professionals, influencing their concerns and causing various psychological changes at different stages. The health-care professionals expressed the need for modifications in epidemic prevention policies and support measures. Furthermore, in terms of the relatives of health-care professionals, the pandemic has altered family dynamics and affected their psychological states and concerns. During the pandemic, they received relevant assistance and support.





health professionals, health professional's family members, COVID-19, mental health