林青青: COVID-19疫情對剖腹產的影響


Impact of COVID-19 on cesarean section rates



廖鈺欣 (Yu-Hsin Liao) (本所畢業校友); 林青青 (Ching-Ching Claire Lin) (本所專任助理教授)✉️


JOURNAL 台灣公共衛生雜誌 Taiwan Journal of Public Health

PUBLISHED 2024.10.20








結果:不論疫情前後,高風險產婦的剖腹產機率較高(邊際效果=0.077,p<0.001),但催生或引產的機率較低(邊際效果=-0.009,p<0.001)。疫情提高剖腹產的機率,但模型加入控制變項後此效果不顯著(邊際效果=0.003,p=0.138);疫情也提高催生或引產的機率(邊際效果=0.061, p<0.001),且疫情期間,催生或引產的使用在非高風險族群的使用有較大幅度的增加,使不同風險族群間使用催生或引產的差距擴大(邊際效果=-0.010,p<0.001)。




Objectives: This study aimed to assess whether the COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to an increase in cesarean section (C-section) rates and how it has influenced the utilization of induction among pregnant women with different risk levels.

Methods: We used Taiwan National Health Insurance Claims Data linked to the Birth Registry to analyze 246,660 cases of delivery hospitalizations of women in 2019 or 2021. High-risk pregnancies were identified on the basis of maternal age or the presence of medical risk factors during pregnancy. A difference-in-difference approach was adopted, wherein linear probability models were used to assess the impact of the pandemic on C-section and induction rates among different risk groups.

Results: Multivariable analysis revealed significant positive associations between pregnancy risk levels and outcomes. High-risk pregnancies were associated with a higher C-section rate (marginal effect = 0.077, p < .001) and a lower induction rate (marginal effect = −0.009, p < .001). Although the pandemic was associated with an increase in C-section rates, this association was not significant (marginal effect = 0.003, p = .138). However, the pandemic had a significant effect on induction rates (marginal effect = 0.061, p < .001), with a significant larger difference between high- and low-risk groups during the pandemic (marginal effect = −0.010, p < .001).

Conclusions: Although the overall mode of delivery remained stable during the pandemic, the increase in obstetric interventions reflects both the adaptations made by maternity units and the broader impact of pandemic-related stress on healthcare systems. These findings underscore the need to evaluate the long-term effects of such external pressures on obstetric care.





C-section, induction, COVID-19, high-risk pregnancy