鄭雅文: Psychosocial work conditions and health status of digital platform workers in Taiwan: A mixed method study

Psychosocial work conditions and health status of digital platform workers in Taiwan: A mixed method study



Yen-Ling Liu, Yawen Cheng (本所專任教師 鄭雅文特聘教授), Ping-Hsiu Tsai, Yun-Chieh Yang, Ya-Chen Li Wan-Ju Cheng (鄭婉汝-本所博士班畢業校友)✉️


JOURNAL  Safety Science

PUBLISHED  2024.11.16




  • Platform workers exhibited poorer psychosocial work conditions and health statuses than general workers.
  • Workers are drawn to platform work for better income and scheduling flexibility, using it as a bridge between formal jobs.
  • Challenges of platform workers include limited skill use, high physical and psychological demands, and workplace violence.
  • Additional challenges include conflicts in customer-platform interactions and labor control of the digital platforms.
  • Platform workers seek skill training, recognition of their employment relationship, and stricter regulations on platforms.