葉明叡老師: Intergenerational contract in Ageing Democracies

臺大公衛學院為加強宣導本院教師之學術成果,進而提升本院國際能見度,由葉明叡老師之撰寫以下列文章投稿至ASPPH Friday Letter.


Intergenerational contract in Ageing Democracies: sustainable Welfare Systems and the interests of future generations


該文目前已刊登於ASPPH Friday Letter, August 12, 2022 



Intergenerational Contract in Ageing Democracies: Sustainable Welfare Systems and the Interests of Future Generations








As the assumptions of perpetual economic and population growth no longer stand, the welfare systems built on such promises are in peril. Policymakers must reallocate the responsibility for providing care between generations. Democratic theories can help establish procedures for finding solutions, particularly in ageing democratic countries. By analysing existing representative and deliberative democratic theories, this paper explores how the interests of future generations could be included in such procedures. A hypothetical social health insurance scheme with the pay-as-you-go financial arrangement is selected as an illustrative case. This paper argues that due to the intrinsic bias towards the current generation, both representative and deliberative democratic health policymaking are limited in making decisions that account for future generations. Instead, their interests could be at best represented by benevolent representatives.